EFFECTOR.AVI - rendered by Dean Scott 5/25/96 ------------------------------------------------------------ e-mail: dscott@tir.com www: users.aol.com/dscott5663/simagic.htm ------------------------------------------------------------ In this zipped archive is a test of LightWave 5.0's Effector Displacement Map Plug-in. A simple sphere (image mapped with the earth) is swallowed by a simple tube (textured using marble as a transparency map to make an electrical field). The method used was to add a Null Object to the scene, load up the Effector Plug-in for it's Displacement Map, and enter values for the Core Diameter of influence and a nearly equal Falloff value that caused the null object to bulge out the tube (many segments and tripled) to match the shape of the sphere. The sphere (earth) was parented to the null and the null moved perfectly vertically thru the center of the tube. The Core diameter value does not neccessarily coincide with the actual diameter of the sphere. That is, the sphere has a 2 meter radius (4 meter diameter), but the Null's Effector core diameter had to be set to 1.0 meter or so. The Falloff value was set near to 1.0 as well so that the tube snuggly hugged the sphere instead of having a conical tape ahead of and behind the sphere as in passed thru the tube.